Required Exams & Training

Exams and Training

SAT Exam

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is one of the standardized college admissions tests in the USA (The other is ACT). It is taken by students seeking admission at undergraduate level in the USA. The SAT test evaluates the written, verbal and mathematical skills of the candidates.

The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test created and administered by the College Board. The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants.

There are two types of SAT

  • SAT General Test- for details visit collegeboard.org
  • SAT Subject Test- It is designed to measure a secondary school student's proficiency in a particular subject.

Exam Pattern

1. Evidence-Based Reading and Writing

Total Marks- 800
Reading Test- 52 standard multiple-choice questions
Time Allotted- 65 minutes
Writing & Language Test- 44 standard multiple-choice questions
Time Allotted - 35 minutes

2. Mathematics

Total Marks- 800
No Calculator- 25 questions
Time Allotted- 25 minutes
Calculator- 38 questions
Time Allotted- 55 minutes

3. Essay (Optional and Separate)

Score- 2 to 8 scale
1 evidence based essay
Time Allotted- 50 minutes

Total Time

SAT without Essay- 3 hours
SAT with Essay- 3 hours and 50 minutes

Nature of Exam

Paper Based Test (PBT)

Total Scores

SAT score is out of 1600

Other Details


Online/ Draft

Test Fees

SAT with Essay $117
SAT without Essay $101

Frequency of Test

SAT General Test - October, December, March, and May
SAT Subject Test - October, November, December, May, and June

Score Validity

5 Years

Score Reporting

There is a provision of reporting your SAT test scores to a maximum of four universities of your choice until 9 days after the test, the cost of which is built into the SAT test fee you pay.

Additional Test Score Reporting Fees

US $12