Required Exams & Training

Exams and Training

TOEFL (iBT) Exam

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a test for English aptitude at any level for foreign universities. Administered by non-profit organization ETS (Educational Testing Service), TOEFL measures the ability of non-native speakers of English to use and understand English as it is spoken, written and heard in college and university settings. iBT stands for Internet Based Test which is the most common form of TOEFL conducted worldwide.

Academic IELTS -If applying for higher education or professional registration in English speaking countries. General IELTS - If migrating to Australia, Canada or the UK. One can appear for IELTS test as many times as required. It is conducted 4 -5 times every month. The test score is valid for 2 years.

Exam Pattern

1. Reading Section

3–4 reading passages, 10 questions each, 54–72 minutes

2. Listening Section

3–4 lectures, 6 questions each, 2–3 conversations, 5 questions each, 41–57 minutes

3. Speaking Section

4 Tasks,  1 independent,  3 integrated, 17 minutes

4. Writing Section

2 Tasks, 50 mins.

Total Time

3 hours

Nature of Exam

Internet Based Test (iBT)
TOEFL iBT® Special Home Edition

Total Scores

TOEFL iBT is out of 120

Other Details



Test Fees

US $185

Score Validity

2 Years

Frequency of Test

Throughout the year (On weekends)

Score Reporting

There is a provision of reporting your TOEFL test scores to a maximum of four universities of your choice, the cost of which is built into the TOEFL test fee you pay

Additional Test Score Reporting Fees

US $20